
Figura dell’equilibrio:




Un’immagine vale più di mille parole




  •  - farsi una pratica e avere le necessarie conoscenze per poter applicare questa metodologia nei trattamenti validi

    - rendere piu efficiente la comunicazione con i pazienti e rinforzare i rapporti personali

    - essere in grado di interpretare semplicemente gli squilibri dei meridiani ( gli eccessivi o carenti funzionamenti) e gli eventuali blocchi

    - capire facilmente le rilevazioni obiettive e seguire le proposte terapeutiche

    - impadronirsi delle propensioni da applicare durante la valutazione dei risultati, e le quali aiutano la consulenza con i clienti

    - Verranno trasmessi delle cognizioni che al solito si ottiene solo tramite la conoscenza approfondita della disciplina o tramite tanta esperienza.

    A chi e destinato questo corso di formazione?

        A tutti gli operatori che lavorano gia con lo strumento MeriDiM® e anche a coloro che sono solo interessati della moderna diagnostica dei meridiani

  • Le basi della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese in breve
  • Yin-Yang principium
  • Principio Yin-Yang
  • Cinque elementi
  • Legge Madre-Figlio
  • Legge Marito- Moglie
  • Diagnostica dei meridiani nel passato e oggi
  • La storia dell’elettroagopuntura
  • Differenze tra i singoli tipi di misurazioni
  • I punti Ryodoraku e Tsing: quando e qual'e il punto da misurare
  • localizzazione dei punti di misurazione e soluzioni tecniche nella pratica
  • Ricerca dei punti – come usare
  • Cosa ci mostra la funzione ricerca dei punti?
  • Tecnica di misurazione precisa
  • Fattori che influenzano la misurazione
  • Valutazione grafica
  • Cosa dimostrano i grafici dello stato del cliente (esempi tipici: squilibro acute, cronico)
  • Comparazione dei grafici fatti in tempi diversi
  • Un’immagine vale piu di mille parole
  • Come aiuta lo strumento MeriDiM® la relazione cliente-terapeuta?

Applicazione delle proposte per terapie

Workshop: analizziamo le tecniche di misurazione di ogni partecipante e dov'e necessario le correggiamo.
   - Casistica
   -Domande frequenti

- Data del corso:27.09.2015

- Durata del corso: 6 lezioni (6×45 minuti)

- Prezzo del corso:

- Orari: dalle 9:00 – alle 15:00 circa


Tipo: formazione per piccoli gruppi

Luogo: Budapest, 1068, Benczúr u. 27 (Benczúr Ház)



We offer you a Basic 2 Days Seminar (seminar I) and an Advanced 2 Days Seminar (Seminar II) of Auriculotherapy either in Budapest or in any cities of any chosen country on request.

Top 8 arguments in favour of auriculotherapy:

yes it is fast having an immediate effect
yes easy to learn
yes applicable in itself or as a complementary treatment
yes a scientifically proven therapy
yes a therapy recommended by the WHO to cure 150 types of diseases
yes easy to carry out (unobtrusive, no need to take clothes off), patients just love it!
yes a holistic therapy, beside physiological effects it has significant psycho-therapeutic ones
yes it’s safe



Topics of seminars on auricular medicine



-    History of auricular acupuncture  (vernacular healing, the beginning of scientific auricular acupuncture and its present)

-    Theoretical bases of auricular acupuncture, differences in  efficiency levels

-    Comparison of Chinese and Nogier auricular systems, WHO’s views on the subject

-    Alignment of acupuncture points: anatomical, functional and master points

-    Characteristics of acupuncture points, fetal topography of auricular acupuncture, projections of organs and body parts

-    Anatomy and nerve system of the outer ear

-    Localization and indication of the system of Chinese auricular acupuncture ( 162 points)

Practice: Description of cases, video demonstration and an opportunity to obtain experience of your own: presentation of treatment techniques and protocol

Seminar I/Day 2.

-    A concise (short) presentation of Dr. Nogier’s work

-    Nogier’s organ points and master points, (and) their localization and indication

-    different ways of point detection: feeling, electronic and laser devices

-    meridian diagnostics: MeriDiM device, condition tests, Chinese diagnostics of starting/ ending points, Ryodoraku  and auricular diagnostics.

-    indications and counter-indications
Therapeutic alternatives needles, laser, electronic impulse, massage, herbal seeds, magnetic balls

Setting up a therapeutic protocol together:
-    according to the Chinese system
-    according to the Nogier system
-    by integration of the Chinese and the Nogier system
-    Other therapeutic ideas (of your own)

Practice: : Description of cases, video demo and an opportunity to obtain an experience of your own: presentation of treatment techniques and protocol



Acudetox, NADA protocol
-    discovery and elaboration of NADA protocol

-    localization and inserting directions of the 5 points in  NADA protocol
-    characterization of the 5 points in NADA protocol
-    fields of application of acudetox
-    circumstances, benefits and the point of acudetox treatment
the effect of acudetox: from  a personal, an objective and a clinical point of view

Practice: : Description of cases, video demo and an opportunity to obtain an experience of your own: presentation of treatment techniques and protocol
Conferences: The wide range of acudetox protocol in practice:
-    Psychological Therapeutic Effects of Acudetox (2007 Chinese/Hungarian conference)
-    Auricular Acupuncture in Crisis Intervention (2008 ICMART)
-    Facts and Myths about NADA in Hungary (2009)
-    Integrated Application of Modern MERIDIAN DIAGNOSTICS in Energetic Medicine (acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, homeopathy, Bach flower therapy, Schüssler salt…) (2011)
-    Application of modern MeriDiM® Diagnostics in Energetic Medicine, in Practicing Acupuncture and in Scientific Research (2012 ICMART/Athens)
-    Proving of the Prpolactin Reducing Effect of the Auriculotherapy Through Laboratory Validation and Meridian Diagnostics (2013 Chinese/Hungarian Conference)
-    Diagnostics, Therapy and Follow-up of Thyroid Function Deviation with
MeriDiM® Meridian Diagnostic Device and Ear Acupuncture (2013 Chinese/Hungarian Conference)
-    Scientific researches of auriculotherapy


-    Definition of the four phases

-    First phase: physiological, acute

-    Second phase: chronic and degenerative

-    Third phase: chronic and non-degenerative

-    Fourth phase: mastoid projection

Practice:  setting up together a therapeutic protocol based on a specific diagnosis according to different points/zones and phases


Contact e-mail: Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

Address: H-1068 Budapest, Benczur str. 27 (


The high quality level of courses is guaranteed by the professional skill and experience of our teachers.Our lectures are coloured by case-studies and more over that we emphasize the practical teachings.
The courses are run according to the laws ruling natural treatment: Governmental Act 40/1997 and Order of the Ministry of Health 11/1997.


Convegno su Cefalee e nevralgie facciali in Medicina Integrata, 23-24 Maggio, 2015, Genova. Un caso di emicrania ed ipertiroidismo trattato con auricoloterapia

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"La forza della natura che ognuno ha dentro di sé è il miglior medico delle malattie" .

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